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Вернуться   Форум о FIFA 15, FIFA 14, PES 2014 и других футбольных симуляторах на fifasoccer.ru > kindle0085

Диалог между kindle0085 и tajmahal2016
Отображение с 1 по 1 из 1 публичных сообщений
  1. tajmahal2016
    16.12.2020 22:51
    Kindle Fire allows people to follow their passion for reading if they are not able to carry paper books. Kindle fire is not needed to charge daily it comes with 15 days battery backup and required Wi-Fi connection to download reading content or any other stuff. It is very lightweight and has a 7-inch display to fulfill the requirement while reading. Users can change the size of fonts and can use a dictionary without leaving the page. If your Kindle Frozen then dial 1855-935-5060.

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