Сообщение от Vinny Puh
Ingword, запилил бы скриншотики настроек, авось попробовал бы как-нибудь ![Smile](images/smilies/smile.gif) Ну или наперед оставил, пусть будет.
Без скриншотов, могу текстом, но на английском только) Но последовательность та же, что и в русской версии. Настройки для себя/настройки для ИИ.
Скорость игры: Низкая
Сложность: Легендарная
Sprint Speed 43/43
Acceleration 50/50
Shot Error 53/53
Pass Error 52/52
Shot Speed 50/50
Pass Speed 42/40
Injury Frequency 64/64
Injury Severity 4/4
GK Ability 48/48
Marking 49/49
Run Frequency 15/15 (вот тут в одном варианте предлагали поставить 1, чтобы игроки не убегали сами по себе в атаку: защитники были на месте и полузащита присутствовала на поле, а не рвалась вперёд. Тестировал 15, сегодня поиграю с 1)
Line Height 60/60
Line Length 45/45
Line Width 45/45
Fullback Positioning 50/50
First Touch Control Error 65/65
Из особенностей, что заметил за 3 матча: забегания через L1+X перестали работать, теперь практически нереально вывести форварда в 1-2 пасса за защитника. Защита следует за твоим игроком и не даёт убежать далеко. Первые касания мяча начали сопровождаться более частыми ошибками. Появилось чуть больше травм, 1 раз была вынужденная замена, 2 раза показывало крестик на игроке (можно, в принципе, частоту травм снизить, ибо всегда бесило меня, что уставший игрок получает травму и выбывает на полгода в карьере). Хоть и наносил 30 ударов (17 в створ), но далеко не все мячи летят в такие точки, чтобы вратарь не мог их потянуть, либо же защита накрывала так, что даже не мог пробить сильно низом. Навесы остались те же по ощущениям.
Есть много вариаций этих ползунков, углублюсь в это попозже более детально. Так как есть нюансы, например, если ускорение поставить 51, то игроки начинают летать, как на турбине, а 49 уже сделает игру слишком болотной. 50 - самый оптимум. А в других случаях, как уже видели, можно и 1 поставить
Если будет что-то ещё интересное, отпишусь. Так как на старте не буду брать ни Фифу, не Пес, то сыграю пару карьерок, если получится, до НГ в Фифу 18 на кастомных настройках игрового процесса
И да, эти настройки влияют только на оффлайн режиме.
Тема на англоязычном форуме, на настройки которой многие ориентируются:
Sprint Speed - 45/48 - Need this discrepancy so the player marking the ball carrier doesn't give up too soon. The user can always start their sprint over, but the CPU is at the mercy of this setting which results in them slowing up, and often times being beaten. I believe why there is a bit more open play here - and in favor of the user.
Acceleration- 50/50 - Wanted true fatigue back. Animations seem much smoother as well since putting these back to 50.
Shot Error - 50/50 - Clarification on this one just because I had made the recommendation for 49/49, but shooting became too clinical, and still some posts hit. May have to live with it, but for now, we'll go back to 50/50 per the previous set.
Pass Error- 50/50 - Pass Error gets a look here to actually help the CPU be a bit more mindful of their passing. More possession versus just going forward as quickly as possible. While this isn't the answer alone, it definitely has shown to have helped in combination of the slider set.
Shot Speed- 51/51 - Very slight bump here because there were many powerful shots that were being cushioned instead of deflected. Nice to see some venomous strikes and creating that sense of anything can happen as a result. Note, pay attention to keeper save animations, in particular backward save animations (where they jump backwards to save powerful shots). This has been my hesitation with increase shot speed in the past.
Pass Speed - 48/48 - update 3/7: Looking into Pass speed + Sprint Speed relevant to the DAA and Locomotion animations.
Injury Frequency - 64/64 - less players walking off the pitch, and more recovering from injuries. Credit to @mark0r .
Injury Severity - 4/4 - still plenty of severe injuries and variety of injuries. Credit to @mark0r .
GK Ability - 48/48 - Lowered this just a tad to stop the ridiculous saves, but more importantly, the constant need for the GK to try to intercept every cross. If the cross is high and floaty, then sure, but if it's driven, it shouldn't mean the GK can anticipate it so quickly. Can't go too low on this value as it can result in the GK dropping underneath the flight of the ball when attempting to save.
Marking - 52/52 - Good suggestion for a slight increase here, and with the length discrepancy + change to width, we should see a bit better coverage throughout the pitch.
Run Frequency - 1/1 - As mentioned in the preview, this is just something that tends to happen no matter what. Throughout all final sliders, we always end up here. The concept is that a 50/50 RF is like a 70/70, and a 20 is like a 40, so 1 is really like a 10. If that means nothing, then consider it more so the amount of runs and the positions. I like to think that 1/1 means that 1 forward makes the streaking run, and the other makes a check to the ball run. So if you have 2/2 it's two forwards who run at a streak. Go up higher to like a 10/10, now it's an unlimited amount of players that can run on these streaks, which causes a lot of issues and that constant end-to-end action. Just a bit more hesitation is the goal here. It's not perfect, and definitely needs to be looked at. I know there are some who hate the lower run frequency and feel that handicaps the runners, but I would say give it a shot and report back your findings. As always, video of the players off the ball - and their runs - would be the best way for us to diagnose what may be going on.
Height- 60/60 - Like I said, it is a solid patch update, but it still leaves the user's defenders not meeting the attackers early enough. So, there is a necessary bump in height, length and marking. This is actually working out quite well and actually feels like all players are in-tune with where the ball is. Granted, there is not much that can be done with the driven pass to the CPU striker, but at least when it does occur, there is a defending player nearby. Did not want to raise this too high as the higher it goes, the more exposed the defensive line will be and the less the CTT's will come into play. The higher marking value alone should allow them to move forward more, so there is no need to overdue it and risk things becoming linear. The best part about this patch update is that no longer are the midfielders "pushed" out of position due to the higher height. They will now remain compressed if needed, which really looks great when the numbers are built in defense properly. Makes for a proper defensive third stand or attack - depending which side of the ball you're on of course.
Length - 42/44 - Length discrepancy makes an appearance here to help spread out the CPU players a tad defensively. DAA seems to be caused by indecision on who is going to mark the ball carrier. Get them too close (compressed) and there is more chance for confusion. Benefit of increasing length as well brings in a sense of hesitation going forward and the hope is to always signify a bit of resistance (passing lanes blocked) that the CPU can feel.
Width - 50/50 - Back and forth here, but it's tricky with each update. The DAA seems to rear its ugly head when the DMF and FB do not know who to mark, and it results in the indecision. The DMF will follow the ball carrier as far as possible, but the second they release it, the FB is is out of position. I do think the CPU's discrepancy in Sprint will help matters though as well so whoever is chasing the ball carrier, they don't give up too soon.
FB Positioning - 50/50 - FB's were getting up the pitch too quickly, and running into the midfield, not to mention being able to be found very easily with a switch ball.
FT Control - 55/55 - Another slight bump here, and it's looking much better. Always tricky when we lower pass speed. The game gets "soft", so we have to compensate with a higher chance of error and more "bobble" of the ball. Pressure to perform is created, but not in an artificial way that every player has terrible control. There is a threshold as well here for those that play with handballs on as go too high and the ball will just fly up to the players hands. Good way to get fouls, bad way to enjoy the game for the most part. If anyone tests this value in particular, pay attention to whether or not the CPU starts to play "Hot potato" where they want to get rid of the ball instantly - regardless of their position, or position of possible recipients.
P.S. Ну и самое интересное — игра на Легенде начала приносить удовольствие. Раньше я играл через внутреннее напряжение, потому что скорость очень высокая, пинг-понг, всё это ощущалось как-то очень сложно. Сейчас скорость снизилась, напряжение ушло, играть начал в удовольствие. Для меня это самый большой прорыв