...вчера я тут "всплакнул" по поводу забаненого трансферного рынка в вебке. Написал я вчера все таки в отдел по работе с аккаунтами и получил сегодня ответ:
Product Name: FIFA 17
Email Address:
We have received your most recent correspondence expressing concerns about the action that was taken on your account.
After thoroughly investigating your account and concern, we again found that we actioned your account correctly after it was found to have violated our Terms of Service. We will also be unable to provide any details regarding our internal procedures.
Due to this violation, we will not remove the sanction that was applied to your account.
You can review the full Terms of Service at
After completing two full investigations into your complaint, we consider this matter closed.
Thank you,
EA Terms of Service
а это то что я им писал:
Petition history: On 10-12-2016 you asked EAGAMES support: <br> Hello. I address you in hope that I will obtain information why and that I broke and was punished by blocking of FUT17 web (transfer market). I as well as many got early access to web, I as well as sold many and bought players (according to rules) and suddenly I was one of those who in web found "continue playing fut 17 on PC to unlock access to the transfer market". Talking to forums with those who had the same problem I understood that it was issued avtomatichest and after some time limits were lifted, but only not with me. I created the request, I was answered that will make investigations and.... I received the letter that I AM A VIOLATOR and a limit will not lift... Why, I want to understand what I made not so? I was a violator in FUT15 and was fairly punished, but now for what?!!! Please I ask you to understand to help me with the solution of my problem. Regards.
в двух словах: виноват, но мы не скажем в чем!!! наверно потому что сами не знают... или не знают как проблему исправит и нашли как отмазаться обвинив меня. пздц, чтоб бобрам хвоты офисными стульями поотдавило.